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Category: Editorial
Last Updated on Friday, 18 January 2013 08:12
Written by Stavros Hatzopoulos
Hits: 5805

This month MEANS a lot to the OAE Portal group. After working 11 years on a static platform, we NOW reside on a dynamic informational system. This implies much more work that we have previously anticipated... because the total volume of material has to be reviewed and re-written !!! This will provide the opportunity for a in-depth revision. The Only problem is time. We don't have the necessary time nor the resources to revise the whole Portal structure in a few months.
The solution we thought as best, is to publish an initial part of the material and update it in time (the first six months of 2013).
Till the end of December you will notice some formatting issues or missing pages in the new implementation. For this reason you will find on the horizontal MENU a voice with the title "Old Site". You can use this link to get access to the old Portal site and material, in case something in not in place yet .
A great thanks to all the collaborators who worked for the realization of this Portal version. And of course Season Greetings to all !!!