
11/09/2015: The future of Scientific Publishing

This announcement is not entirely related to the main topics of the OAE Portal,  but to Science and to Scientific Publishing. A new electronic Reader has been announced which integrates many interesting features, not present in the paper-version of scientific articles. Reader is a software platform that brings scientific and technical documents into the 21st century by adding intuitive navigation and rich context to scientific and technical documents. You can access manuscripts via a URL in your web browser and there is no software or app to install or configure.

The project has been funded from the KickStarter platform, where you can follow all the details and participate if you like.

16/07/2015: Hearing Implants and Music

It is well known that Cochlear Implants can help young patients hear and participate in the sonic world. But what about the efficiency of these devices in helping young people pursue a carreer in MUSIC ?  The first International Scientific Conference on "Hearing Implants and Music" was held in Warsaw on July 16th and addressed this very problem not only from a theoretical point of view but from a practical point as well. Young and Adult implanted patients presented posters with their experiences and gave an impressive performance in front of a live audience. The performance was code-named "Beats of Cochlea". We strongly advice users to follow this performance at this YouTube link.

Since a number of young patients was implanted with MEDEL implants, we have asked permission to publish their posters in the appropriate FORUM section. It is estimated that this information will be available from middle-September 2015.



15/06/2015 : June Newsletter of the ECHO initiative

The June 2015 ECHO Initiative newsletter has been released with emphasis on Learn "who's who" in Early childhood screening in your state

13/06/2015 : A welcome to the ECHO Initiative

We are very pleased to announce the the ECHO Initiative provided us with a permission to use their excellent on-site materials on neonatal and children OAE hearing screening.

Although the ECHO site is designed with the lay-screener in mind, students of Audiology, Hearing Science and ENT can find a lot of educational material related to OAE practices in the form of videos and webinars.

08/06/2015: Updates in the OAE Software -Simulations and Modelling Category

The Simulations & Modelling pages have been updated with a contribution from Dr. Michael Berg on the classical issue of the distortions in the  Tartini Tone.

It is expected that within June 2015 all the contents from the old OAE site will be transferred to the Portal. The reason for this delay is that the majority of the simulations were written for the DOS environment, which today is obsolete.  Nevertheless some DOS simulators still exist and these programs have an important educational role, specially for the students of Audiology and Hearing Science.