
19/11/2015: Collaboration with the Journal of Hearing Science

We are very glad to announce a closer collaboration with the Journal of Hearing Science (JoHS), an emerging open access journal in the area of Audiology and ENT. All contributors to the OAE Portal material (guest-editorials , white papers, webinars, powerpoint presentations from conferences, etc) are eligible to be author candidates to the journal (after a peer review of course) with a minimum number of textual modifications (the Portal has open-format requirements  which are different than those of the JoHS). 

17/11/2015: New MENUs

We have made a number of simple & esthetic changes in the MENUs that you use in the Portal . Analytically : 


1. the FORUM menu now opens the corresponding page, without showing a cascade MENU as in the past. The reason for it is that the new Chrome & Firefox browsers for the Mac were displaying badly the cascade MENU. We still have this issue in the Who are we , but these are not  pages with a lot of traffic. 

2. the Italian Portal pages & the OLD Portal content can be found in the left vertical menu with other OAE material. 

12/11/2015 : NEW collaborators are NEEDED

We are seeking collaborators from areas where the hearing screening information is kind of difficult to get (India, Iran, Nothern, Central, & Southern Africa, Central America ),  so please if you reside in these areas  drop us a line and tell us what you think about the information we provide in the Portal and how we can establish a connection / collaboration with you.

29/10/2015: Invitation to a ECho Initiative Seminar

MIRRORED from the ECHO Initiate Web site: 

We invite you to join the Early Childhood Hearing Outreach (ECHO) Initiative for an intermediate webinar focusing on Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) hearing screening.  Early Head Start (EHS) programs already using OAE screening will have a chance to examine effective screening and follow-up practices. Staff can reflect on their own experiences and ask questions. They can also learn to improve screening skills and the administration of OAE hearing screening protocols.

Topics for the webinar include:
  • Obtaining a good probe fit
  • Strategies for screening young children
  • Screening and follow-up protocols
  • Reporting children identified with
    permanent hearing loss
Who Should Attend?

This webinar is designed for EHS programs that have been using OAE hearing screening methods and who want to review and improve their current screening and follow-up practices.
You can get more information here where you can also register for the event. 

20/10/2015: Multiple frequency Tympanograms educational Video

In late 2014 Interacoustics launched the Titan portable device, capable of recording OAEs and impedance tympanometry at various frequencies. The  novelty of Titan was the way Interacoustics selected to represent the tympanometric data, coined as wideBand Tympanometry. There is nothing new to the approach , the data from each tested tympanometric frequency are stacked in a 3D format , showing the areas of the middle ear where we have maximum absorbance and minimum reflectance of the incident acoustic energy.

Recently Interacoustics built a video explaining the functionality of Wideband Tympanometry which can be a useful aid in the classroom and in the clinic.