
20/10/2015: Multiple frequency Tympanograms educational Video

In late 2014 Interacoustics launched the Titan portable device, capable of recording OAEs and impedance tympanometry at various frequencies. The  novelty of Titan was the way Interacoustics selected to represent the tympanometric data, coined as wideBand Tympanometry. There is nothing new to the approach , the data from each tested tympanometric frequency are stacked in a 3D format , showing the areas of the middle ear where we have maximum absorbance and minimum reflectance of the incident acoustic energy.

Recently Interacoustics built a video explaining the functionality of Wideband Tympanometry which can be a useful aid in the classroom and in the clinic. 

15/10/2015: ECHO Initiative : Webinar on Hearing and Hearing Loss for the Layman

MIRRORED From the ECHO Initiative pages :
Jeff Hoffman and Terry Foust recently presented a webinar to introduce state Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program staff to the basics of hearing and hearing loss. The audience response was so positive that we also wanted to make the information available to early  childhood education providers and families. The content will be particularly helpful to any parent who has a child undergoing audiological assessment and to the professionals who are serving that family.  
The 70-minute webinar covers:  
  • Anatomy of the ear
  • Types of hearing loss
  • Prevalence and causes of hearing loss
  • Diagnostic tools and procedures 
  • Audiogram fundamentals
  • Hearing loss simulation
  • Treatment and intervention options

12/10/2015: Meetings and Conferences

The Meetings and Conferences pages have been updated with the latest information about the HEaring Across Lifespan (HEAL) meeting , at lake Como (Italy) in the period  June 2-4 2016

02/10/2015: Hearing Screening for Life movement in the UK

There is a considerable interest in the scientific community regarding the impact of hearing deficits in the quality of life  for adults > 65 y. There is a movement in the UK called "Hearing Screening for life" , which aims at informing the general public and the British government about hearing issues in the elderly life. Screening in this context is not the same as it is for the neonatal population (OAEs, ABR etc), but it follows standard audiological paradigms (pure tone testing, immitance tympanometry etc).

Data from the UK movement suggest the following: "A recent cost-benefit analysis found that hearing screening would cost an estimated £255 million over ten years, but the benefits across this period would amount to over £2 billion . A proactive introduction of hearing screening will have a host of follow on benefits and will echo the government’s focus on prevention and early intervention".

01/10/2015: MUSIC Stories from young Implanted Patients

The pages of the OAE Forum have been updated with cases from young adults who have implanted at an early age and who have followed their passion in MUSIC. The data come from interviews and poster presentation of these patients during the first International meeting of Hearing Implants and MUSIC, which took place on July 16th in Warsaw, Poland.