Detailed List (up to 2014)
- Details
- Category: OAE Hardware
- Last Updated on Tuesday, 20 January 2015 16:11
- Hits: 14296
This is a complete list of the current OAE hardware manufacturers in the market. If you are aware of a manufacturer who is not listed please contact us immediately.
The purpose of these pages is not to provide you with another list of hardware links. We would like to offer you a better service by including a detailed description of each equipment and in the near future technical commentaries from known colleagues in the field. We are also considering implementing a Hardware Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Forum, once we accumulate a number of questions. If you have a hardware-related question, please use the OAE Forum and the thematic hardware channel .
Editor's Note: All the OAE manufactures in the list below, have been contacted in advance in order to provide information on their products. For a number of manufacturers who have not furnish us with complete product specs yet, the appropriate information has been obtained from their web pages.
The hardware updates links, are activated only for those manufacturers who are sending us news on their products.
- Biologic Systems (Now under NATUS)
- AuDx, AuDX-II, AuDX-plus (Portable TEOAE DPOAE screeners and diagnostic systems)
- Scout Sport TEOAE + DPOAE diagnostic system +(ABR as an option)
- ABaerTM Automated ABR Screening System (AABR) with options for AOAE (DPOAE and/or TEOAE).
- AuDx, AuDX-II, AuDX-plus (Portable TEOAE DPOAE screeners and diagnostic systems)
- GN-Otometrics (Madsen Electronics)
- Echo-Screen portabe handheld TEOAE screener:This is the same device as Fischer-Zoth's Echo-Screen. GN-Otometrics has licensed the technology and markets the product in their own OAE line.
- AccuScreen portabe handheld TEOAE / DPOAE and ABR screener. The device is similar to Fischer-Zoth's Echo_Screen TDA.
- Capella system (portable TEOAE, DPOAE, SOAE and tympanometry device).
- Hortmann AG instruments (under GN-Otometrics)
- AmDis system using the sgDPOAE method (single generator DPOAE)
- Echomaster (TEOAE and DPOAE testing under pressure equalization of the middle ear)
- AmDis system using the sgDPOAE method (single generator DPOAE)
- Echo-Screen portabe handheld TEOAE screener:This is the same device as Fischer-Zoth's Echo-Screen. GN-Otometrics has licensed the technology and markets the product in their own OAE line.
- Cardinal Health (ex Grason-Stadler-VIASYS)
- GSI-60
- GSI-70 (portable DPOAE screener)
- AudioScreener (Portable handheld TEOAE, DPOAE, ABR device)
- GSI-60
- Fischer-Zoth (Now under NATUS)
- EchoScreen (Portable handheld TEOAE / DPOAE screener)
- EchoScreen_TDA (Portable handheld fourth generation ABR, TEOAE, DPOAE screener. NOTE : The page contains photos which might slow-down its visualization in the browser)
- EchoScreen (Portable handheld TEOAE / DPOAE screener)
- Intelligent Hearing Systems
- SmartDPOAE DPOAE, TEOAE and ABR screener
- SmartDPOAE DPOAE, TEOAE and ABR screener
- Interacoustics
- Kuba micro
- The instrument is a result from the co-operation between the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing and the Institute of Control Systems. Both Institutes reside Warsaw, Poland. The device utilizes as hardware platform a Palmtop PC and implements clinical and newborn / infant screening with Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions and ABR. To get more information and relative links you can download the following pdf file (350K). The file will download inside your browser so expect some delays until its final visualization. To get more information about the product visit the web pages of the Polish Institute of Control Systems in Warsaw, or send email to this
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- The instrument is a result from the co-operation between the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing and the Institute of Control Systems. Both Institutes reside Warsaw, Poland. The device utilizes as hardware platform a Palmtop PC and implements clinical and newborn / infant screening with Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions and ABR. To get more information and relative links you can download the following pdf file (350K). The file will download inside your browser so expect some delays until its final visualization. To get more information about the product visit the web pages of the Polish Institute of Control Systems in Warsaw, or send email to this
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Labat Biomedical Instruments
- Maico Diagnostics
- ERO scan (portable handheld DPOAE / TEOAE screener)
- We have been informed that the technology rights of the Virtual 330 DPOAE equipment (designed exclusively for the Macintosh platform) have been purchased by Maico.
- ERO scan (portable handheld DPOAE / TEOAE screener)
- Mimosa Acoustics
- Neurosoft
- Neuro Audio Screen : TEOAE, DPOAE & ABR screener
- Neuro Audio : Clinical system, (ABR and OAE) intended for objective audiometry of newborns, children and adults
- Neuro Audio Screen : TEOAE, DPOAE & ABR screener
- Otodynamics
- Path Medical
- Sentiero : A portable 5th generation device (TEOAEs, DPOAEs, AABR, PTA) , offering hearing screening and diagnostic capabilities. The device is geared more towards the intervention phase of an EHDI program than in hearing screening
- Sentiero : A portable 5th generation device (TEOAEs, DPOAEs, AABR, PTA) , offering hearing screening and diagnostic capabilities. The device is geared more towards the intervention phase of an EHDI program than in hearing screening
- Sonamed (Now under NATUS)
- Clarity system (DPOAE + ABR)
- Clarity system (DPOAE + ABR)
- StarKey-Labs
- DP-2000 (portable DPOAE Screener, but it can be configured for clinical and research work). With the addition of the TE-2001 module it is possible to record TEOAEs for a variaty of stimuli.
- DP-2000 (portable DPOAE Screener, but it can be configured for clinical and research work). With the addition of the TE-2001 module it is possible to record TEOAEs for a variaty of stimuli.
- Vivosonic
- Integrity™ V500 platform (TEOAE, DPOAE, ABR, ASSR recording capabilities).
- Integrity™ V500 platform (TEOAE, DPOAE, ABR, ASSR recording capabilities).
- For a comparison review on the DPOAE performance of the Audioscreener (Everest Biomedical), the AuDx(Biologic Corp), the EroScan (Etymotic Corp) and the ILO-92(Otodynamics) you might consult the following papers:
Parthasarathy TK, Klostermann B.
Similarities and differences in distortion-product otoacoustic emissions among four FDA-approved devices.
J Am Acad Audiol. 2001 Sep;12(8):397-405. - For a comparison review on the DPOAE performance of some older devices such as the Virtual 330, the Madsen Celesta, the Grason-Stadler 60, the Biologic's Scout and the Mimosa Cubdis you might consult the following paper:
Hornsby B, Kelly T and Hall JW III (1996).
Normative data for five FDA-approved distortion product OAE systems.
Hear J. 49:39-46.