Conventional and High Rate Otoacoustic Emissions
in Normally Hearing and Hearing Impaired Subjects
by Jemma Hine
D.Phil. (2005), MRC Institute of Hearing Research, Royal South Hants
Hospital, Southampton, UK.
This white paper is a synopsis of the article: Hine J.E. &
Thornton A.R.D. (2005) Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions recorded
using Maximum Length Sequences from Patients with Sensorineural
Hearing Loss. Hearing Research 203, 122-133.
investigations have established that transient evoked otoacoustic
emissions (TEOAEs) can be used to separate normally hearing and hearing
impaired populations (see Harris and Probst, 2002 for a review). The
general consensus is that TEOAEs will be present when all hearing
levels from 250 to 8000 Hz are better than 20 dB HL and absent when
all hearing levels are poorer than 40 dB HL due to a purely cochlear
loss. Whilst the majority of studies into the screening potential
of TEOAEs has examined the response parameters of the nonlinear TEOAE
response, there are those that have focused on the so-called 'linear'
recordings. However, the nonlinear method is usually favoured because
it should cancel the stimulus artefact by eliminating the linear portion
of the response, thus leaving behind the nonlinear cochlear emission.
So, whilst much consideration has been given to determining which
of the response parameters of nonlinear TEOAEs, such as waveform reproducibility
or response level, best identify the hearing impaired, little research
has investigated the effects of altering the stimulus parameters,
such as click rate, on the evaluation of TEOAEs from patients with
hearing loss. That is, nearly all previous studies involving hearing
loss patients utilize TEOAEs recorded using conventional averaging
at low stimulation rates. The MLS technique enables TEOAEs to be recorded
at high stimulation rates where the time between click stimuli is
less than the duration of the response (e.g. Thornton, 1993; Thornton
et al., 1994). Studies have shown that increasing the stimulus presentation
rate from the conventional value of 40 clicks/s up to 5000 clicks/s
leads to a reduction in emission amplitude that reaches an approximate
asymptote at about 1500 clicks/s (Hine and Thornton, 1997). Despite
this decrease in amplitude, the very large number of responses obtainable
at high rates means that both the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and
the detection sensitivity increase as the click rate increases. The
question arises whether this improvement in detection sensitivity
for MLS emissions in normally hearing subjects translates into a change
in the hearing loss levels capable of giving repeatable emissions
in patients. The aim of the current study was to compare conventional
and MLS TEOAEs in normal and hearing-impaired subjects.
One hundred and twenty eight ears from 76 hearing impaired volunteers
were tested in the study. The patients were selected to cover a
range of sensorineural hearing losses (SNHL) from mild to profound
arising due to various etiologies. All SNHL ears had pure tone air-conduction
and bone-conduction thresholds > 20 dB HL for at least three of
the octave frequencies between 250 to 8000Hz, with an air-bone gap
less than 10 dB. They did not have any indication of retrocochlear
lesions from their case histories and all ears were required to
give normal otoscopic and tympanometric results to exclude any middle
or external ear disease. Data from 19 normally hearing ears of 12
volunteers were also included in the study. All normals were required
to have audiogram < 20dB HL across all frequencies as well as normal
otoscopic and typanometric results.
Recording of TEOAEs
TEOAEs using click stimuli were recorded both conventionally and
using the MLS technique. Conventional averaging was carried out
at 40 clicks/s and MLS averaging was performed at 5000 clicks/s.
For both rates, at two stimulus levels (76 and 66 dB peSPL intrameatal
level), responses were averaged for 50 s (2000 clicks at a rate
of 40 /s, 60000 clicks at a rate of 5000 /s). Two runs were performed
at each rate and level. No judgement was made about the presence
or absence of an emission at the data collection stage.
Off-line data analysis
All the directly recorded 'linear' TEOAE waveforms were visually
inspected off-line before further analysis to check for the presence
of obvious artefacts. For the conventional and MLS TEOAEs two types
of nonlinear TEOAEs were then derived from the linear waveforms.
The level nonlinear (LNL) responses were calculated by a subtraction
technique from two linear waveforms evoked by clicks 10 dB apart
(i.e. the measurement made at the higher click level was rescaled
according to the difference in stimulus level and then subtracted
from the lower measurement). In contrast, the rate nonlinear (RNL)
responses were obtained by subtracting a linear emission recorded
at 5000 clicks/s from one recorded at 40 clicks/s, both at a fixed
stimulus level. As pointed out by Rasmussen et al. (1998), when
they first derived RNL components, it is the rapid suppression of
emission amplitude as the stimulus rate increases that is the basis
for this nonlinear response which also features stimulus cancellation.
Presenting clicks at different rates, yet for the same test time,
inevitably means that high rate recordings contain much less noise,
simply because many more clicks are presented. Correcting the response
level by taking account of the noise allows a fair comparison between
the MLS and conventional responses. The average RMS of the repeat
waveforms contains both signal and noise. In order to obtain a better
estimate of the signal alone, an estimate of the noise is removed.
The method used is the same as that of the ILO Otoacoustic Emissions
Analyzer where the noise is estimated by taking the RMS of the difference
between repeat waveforms. Subtracting this noise estimate from the
average of the repeat waveforms then gives a corrected response
level. All values presented are those of corrected response level,
expressed as dB SPL.
waveforms at each level (66 & 76 dB peSPL) and both rates (40 & 5000
clicks/s) were successfully recorded from 111 (out of 128) SNHL ears.
Data were also available from the 19 normally hearing ears. In these
selected results, only data from the 9 - 13 ms section of the waveforms
have been considered.
Directly recorded or 'linear' waveforms
1 shows some typical linear waveforms recorded at 40 and
5000 clicks/s from one normally hearing ear (top pair of traces),
seven SNHL ears and a 2cc cavity (bottom pair of traces). Each ear's
audiogram is also shown to display the typical range of hearing losses,
from mild to profound, under test in the study. Replicates are shown
for each condition and, clearly, for all 8 ears, the waveforms are
highly reproducible both within and between the two stimulus rates.
Figure 2
illustrates just how correlated the linear waveforms are at 40 (A)
and 5000 (B) clicks/s for all the SNHL patients and the normally hearing
subjects. Waveform reproducibility has been plotted against the best
audiogram threshold. At both rates many SNHL ears produce highly reproducible
waveforms and, in fact, at 5000 clicks/s the vast majority produce
waveforms as highly correlated as those recorded from normals. It
is obvious, therefore, that reproducibility alone cannot be used to
separate the normal from hearing loss ears. Figure 2 also shows the
amplitude of the response plotted against best threshold for the 40
clicks/s (C) and 5000 clicks/s (D) data. Conventional recordings at
40 clicks/s yield only 3 SNHL ears whose linear response amplitude
was in the range produced by 95% of the normals. These 3 ears all
had their best threshold at 1000 Hz and two of them belonged to patient
39 who had a matched loss in both ears and whose left audiogram is
shown in figure 1. In contrast, MLS recordings at 5000 clicks/s show
a big overlap in response amplitudes between the SNHL patients and
normally hearing subjects that includes results from patients with
profound hearing losses, such as the two shown in figure 1 (ear 5R
and 6R).
Characteristically, the
amplitude of TEOAEs recorded from normally hearing subjects decreases
significantly as the stimulus rate is increased from 40 to 5000 clicks/s.
An example of this can be seen clearly on the top two waveforms of
figure 1. In patients with a SNHL however, this expected decrease
in amplitude of TEOAE with rate is much less evident. In fact, in
many cases there appeared to be little or no rate related reduction
in amplitude (see for example ear 5R & 6R on figure 1). Consequently,
the 'rate effect', defined here as the decibel reduction in response
amplitude between 40 and 5000 clicks/s, is much reduced in the hearing
loss patients. Figure 3 shows that the rate effect from normal ears
(triangles) was greater than 7 dB for 95% of the time. In contrast,
only 5 ears from the SNHL group exhibited a rate effect of normal
Level derived nonlinear (LNL) waveforms
4 shows some typical LNL waveforms recorded at 40 and 5000
clicks/s from the same ears as shown in the top half of figure 1
for the linear waveforms. As was the case for the linear waveforms,
figure 5 (A and B) shows that reproducibility of LNL waveforms alone
could not be used to reliably separate the normal and SNHL ears.
A better tool is LNL response level (figure 5C and D). Conventional
recording at 40 clicks/s yields only 4 ears from the SNHL group
(including both ears of patient 39) whose amplitudes are similar
to those produced by 95% of the normals. At 5000 clicks/s the number
of impaired ears with a normal LNL response level increases to 9.
Eight of these SNHL ears had a best threshold of < 40 dB HL, but
one (ear 6R) had a profound hearing loss across all frequencies
(see LNL waveforms of ear 6R on figure 4 and audiogram on figure

Figure 5: Scatter plots of best audiogram threshold
versus LNL waveform reproducibility (A & B) or LNL response level
(C & D). Data are shown for the normally hearing and SNHL ears
at 40 (left column) and 5000 (right column) clicks/s following
the conventions used in Figure 2.
'Rate derived nonlinear (RNL) waveforms
The linear data above (Figure
3) showed a reduced rate effect in the majority of SNHL compared to
normal ears. In addition to describing the rate effect in terms of
a single value calculated from a response at 40 and one at 5000 clicks/s,
it is also possible to derive RNL waveforms that can be compared to
both the linear and the LNL waveforms. RNL waveforms obtained from
the same ears shown in figure 1 and 4 are shown in Figure
Figure 6: Rate nonlinear (RNL) waveforms from the
same ears shown in figure 1 & 5, i.e., one normally hearing ear
and three SNHL ears. Replicate waveforms recorded using a 76 dB
peSPL stimulus are shown for each condition.
As seen for the linear and LNL data, Figure 7A shows
that RNL waveform reproducibility alone could not be used to successfully
separate normally hearing and hearing impaired subjects since many
ears from the SNHL group gave waveforms as reproducible as those of
normals. Once again a much better tool is response level. Figure 7B
shows that only 2 SNHL ears (both belonging to patient 39) gave a
response level the same as the normals.
Percentage of ears correctly classified
For each method of analysis, the focus so far has been on the actual numbers of ears from the SNHL group (defined at study outset as ears who have an audiogram with at least three pure tone frequencies > 20dB HL) that gave evoked OAE responses within the range produced by the normal group i.e. those that, according to their audiogram are hearing impaired but who produced some normal evoked OAE responses. Alternatively, the results can be presented in terms of the percentage of ears from the SNHL group that were correctly classified as hearing impaired using their evoked OAE responses. This is shown in table 1 where the criterion used to classify the responses as abnormal was any data (either repeat waveform reproducibility or corrected response level) that fell below the 5th percentile of the normal group. The response levels of the RNL waveforms, the rate effect and the conventional linear and LNL responses all successfully classify more than 95% of the SNHL group as having abnormal evoked OAE responses.
In agreement with previous research, the present study
found that conventionally recorded TEOAEs can be used to separate
normally hearing and hearing impaired subjects using either the late
components of linear waveforms or derived nonlinear waveforms. For
both these types of conventional TEOAEs, no more than 4 ears from
the SNHL group (3.5%) gave waveforms of amplitude that fell within
that produced by 95% of the normal group. All 4 ears had a best threshold
between 500 to 4000 Hz of < 40 dB HL. This finding is similar to that
of Collet et al. (1993) in their study of 931 SNHL ears. Conventionally
recorded nonlinear TEOAEs were absent when best hearing frequency
between 250 to 8000 Hz was above 40 dB HL. In contrast, the current
results suggest that, when recorded for the same time, MLS TEOAEs
are not as successful as conventional TEOAEs at separating normal
and impaired ears largely because of the greater overlap between the
amplitude of the MLS emissions from SNHL and normal ears. However,
this is not the case if the results of the MLS and conventional recordings
are combined, either through using the rate effect or by deriving
RNL waveforms.
When compared to the results for both conventional
and MLS LNL waveforms, as well as the linear data or the rate effect,
the present study found that it is the RNL results that best reflect
the patients' hearing loss. For the 9 - 13 ms section of the RNL waveforms,
only 2 ears from the SNHL group (2%) produced responses of comparable
amplitude to the normal group (figure 7). Both ears belonged to patient
39 whose best threshold was 30 dB HL at 1000Hz and who therefore could
be expected to produce genuine TEOAEs. Indeed, this patient was the
only one that gave normal results on every analysis method used. Whilst
the RNL responses were the most successful at correctly identifying
the ears from the SNHL group as impaired, the conventional linear
and LNL responses as well as the rate effect performed nearly as well.
However, the RNL method can be viewed as having a slight advantage
over each of the other methods. Compared to linear recordings, which
only a few researchers favour for screening because of the possibility
of stimulus artefacts affecting the response, RNL waveforms are derived
in a way that results in stimulus cancellation. Also, unlike LNL waveforms,
RNL waveforms are derived from two linear recordings both taken at
the same, high, stimulus level. This inevitably means that the RNL
derivation is done on recordings with a higher SNR. Given that the
measurement of any TEOAEs is always constrained by the amount of noise
in the recording session, a method that requires only one stimulus
level should be an advantage. Lastly, compared to relying on a single
value for the rate effect, the RNL responses are waveforms that can
undergo a range of analyses.
The current study has shown that, in
linear mode, reproducible, TEOAE-like waveforms lasting the full 17
ms recording window can be obtained both conventionally and using
the MLS technique from the majority (> 75%) of SNHL ears, even those
with a severe or profound best threshold. Many of these responses
are seen to behave linearly in that they produce neither rate nor
level nonlinear waveforms (the derivation of both types of nonlinear
waveforms should result in cancellation of linear components). The
cause of these highly reproducible TEOAE-like waveforms recorded in
linear mode from so many hearing loss patients (Figure 2A & B) is
unclear but there are several possible contributing factors. Click
artefact due to ringing in the ear canal and middle ear could play
a part but, when probe fit is good, it is unlikely that this would
affect the whole response window. In addition, ringing should be readily
visualised as a decaying oscillation rather than the TEOAE-like waveforms
seen here (figure 1). It is also possible that some of the responses
were caused by residual outer hair cell activity, even in the presence
of inner hair cell dysfunction or nerve damage. It could also be that
the cochlear damage itself somehow manages to act as a reflection
site capable of producing waveforms that resemble TEOAEs. Whatever
the cause of the TEOAE-like waveforms recorded in linear mode, in
excess of 29% of SNHL ears then gave reproducible (repeat waveform
correlation > 0.5) level or rate derived nonlinear waveforms. It is
only when the amplitudes of the nonlinear responses are compared to
those from normally hearing subjects that a clear difference can be
seen for ears in the SNHL group. This highlights the finding that
reproducibility alone cannot be used to reliably indicate a hearing
Collet, L., Levy, V., Veuillet, E., Truy,
E., Morgon, A., 1993. Click-evoked otoacoustic emissions
and hearing threshold in sensorineural hearing loss. Ear Hear. 14,
Harris, F.P., Probst, R., 2002. Otoacoustic emissions
and audiometric outcomes. In: Robinette, M., Glattke, T.J. (Eds),
Otoacoustic Emissions - Clinical Applications (2nd Ed). Thieme Medical
Press, New York 213 - 241.
Hine, J.E., Thornton, A.R.D., 1997. Transient evoked
otoacoustic emissions recorded using maximum length sequences as a
function of stimulus rate and level. Ear Hear. 18, 121-128.
Rasmussen, A.N., Osterhammel, P.A., Johannesen, P.T., Borgkvist,
B., 1998. Neonatal hearing screening using otoacoustic emissions
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Thornton, A.R.D., 1993. High rate otoacoustic emissions.
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Thornton, A.R.D., Folkard, T.J., Chambers, J.D., 1994.
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About the Author
Since completing her doctorate at Oxford University in auditory
physiology, Dr. Jemma Hine has worked as a clinical scientist at the Medical
Research Council's Institute of Hearing Research (IHR) in Southampton
where she is also an honorary research fellow in Clinical Neurosciences
at the University of Southampton. Her recent research has focused on
the potential of otoacoustic emissions recorded using
the maximum length sequence technique.