The program is a newly polished version of the macromechanical DPOAE-source
demonstration. Interested users can download
all the components from this self-unzipping file Berg_Tartini.exe.
The nucleus of the program
goes back to Jont B. Allen and Ekbert
Deboer long time ago, when computers were big, loud,
hot and most expensive. (1k Core costed 1k Marks). The nonlinear
concepts were added by the author. Michael Ganz,
did some valuable supplements to reproduce “Margarete’s
shoulder”, the Ldp=f(L1,L2). The Program is written in Borland
Pascal under DOS, easily movable to Borland Delphi 6 under Windows
or Borland Kylix under Linux.
Who ever wants to know more
should not hesitate to contact the author by email at :
Mac users can only use a simulation environment (Virtual
PC) to see the program running. You can copy the
file into a folder of your choice and then run it to expand
its contents.
Once you expand the contents
of the self-unzipping file , in the folder of your choice, you should
see four files: (1) Tartini.exe ; (2) velo1.dat ; (3) velo2.dat
; and (4) velodp.dat. Run the executable program and then press
the button "Read" (the first in the lowe left
corner), to Input the three data files. When this is done (takes
1 to 2 seconds) other buttons are activated. By pressing F1,
or F2 you can see the waveforms of the two primaries. Pressing the 2F1-F2 generates the waveform of the cubic product non-linearity as shown in the figure below.
If you want to know the function
of each button, place the cursor of the mouse over the button
you want to identify its function, and a small explanation will
be visible.
Nonlinear mechanics
of the inner ear and its relation to otoacoustic emissions: two
steps on the way to a mathematical model of DPOAE generation.
Ganz M and Berg MF.
Department of Experimental Audiology, University of Magdeburg,
Among clinical users of the registration of distortion product
otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE), the understanding of the basic causality
and interpretation of the phenomenon is not yet widely spread, nor
is the expected influence of the middle ear and ear canal clear.
On the other side, the effort in mathematical modeling of middle
and inner ear structures is driven very far by now. We are convinced,
though, that the essentials of an effect as DPOAE generation must
be understandable from quite simple models. In a first step de Boer's
one-dimensional model was adopted and expanded by a weak frictional
and a weak elastic nonlinearity, respectively. By means of perturbation
theory the weakly nonlinear problem is converted in an approximation
series of linear problems. So it is solvable by the common methods
of linear differential equations (DEs), above all the superposition
principle can be used. At the same time a structure of causality
is introduced: Sources for outgoing waves are in first order approximation
formed by incoming waves, and so they can be localized. The calculations
show clearly that of all six cubic distortions only the 2f(1) -
f(2) term does have a source in its 'allowed' region and so can
travel outward. We can use the calculated DPOAE to study the influence
of middle ear, external ear canal and probe plug. Some problems
remain: the weakly nonlinear model in first order does not give
account for proper L(dp) = f(L(1), L(2)) and L(dp) = f(f(2)/f(1))
dependency, nor does it deliver additional sources or the effect
of additional suppressor tones. In a second step, therefore, we
replace de Boer's simple model basilar membrane (BM) by a doubly
resonant, coupled tectorial/basilar membrane (TM/BM) system. By
feedback now we introduce a strong nonlinearity, which we can mathematically
care for by an iterative feedback loop. The algorithm shapes the
incoming waves according to strong compressive nonlinearity. More
relastic incoming waves yield better source terms, and after optimization
of the mistuning function between TM and BM the model now is able
to deliver qualitatively correct L(dp) (L(1),L(2)) and L(dp)(f(2)/f(1))
A report on all is given in:
Ganz M. (Magdeburg), Berg MF (Erlangen),
Nonlinear Mechanics of the Inner Ear and its Relation to Otoacoustic
Emissions: Two Steps on the Way to a Mathematical Model of DPOAE
in Boehnke F (editor) Cochlear Mechanics, special issue of ORL,
Karger, Basel 1999.
Dr. Berg has provided two additional
text files with material related to the DPOAE generation program.
These files include :
- An abstract
on Otoacoustically Emitted Distorsion Products.
A Clinical Study of Sudden Deafness Including Model
Calculations for a Causal Interpretation of Disturbed Inner
Ear Function. MD thesis presented to the Medical Faculty
of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg By
Margarete Maennlein-Mangold Erlangen, April
1st 1998.
- The translation in english of his Appendix
in the above thesis. The material is a very nice introduction
to cochlear mechanics and it should be used
easily by graduate students in Hearing Science.