As of July 10th 2002, there were 1847 articles indexed by the PubMed services . The most recent 19 articles are listed below. By clicking on the Author's name you may link to the PubMed site where you might acquire further information
Acoustic Modulation of Electrically Evoked Otoacoustic Emission in Chickens. Audiol Neurootol. 2002 Jul-Aug;7(4):206-213.
Distortion evoked otoacoustic emission using GSI 70 analyzer for neonatal screening. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2002 Jul 9;64(3):217-23.
Unilateral auditory neuropathy: case study. J Child Neurol. 2002 Apr;17(4):306-9. PMID: 12088090 [PubMed - in process]
A multifrequency method for determining cochlear efferent activity. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2002 Mar;3(1):16-25.
Interaction between adenosine triphosphate and mechanically induced modulation of electrically evoked otoacoustic emissions. J Acoust Soc Am. 2002 Jun;111(6):2749-58.
One source for distortion product otoacoustic emissions generated by low- and high-level primaries. J Acoust Soc Am. 2002 Jun;111(6):2740-8.
The effect of midline petrous apex lesions on tests of afferent and efferent auditory function. Ear Hear. 2002 Jun;23(3):224-34.
Detection of transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions and the design of time windows. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2002 Feb;49(2):132-9.
Parazzini M, Ravazzani P, Medaglini S, Weber G, Fornara C, Tognola G, Vigone MC, Bianchi C, Comi G, Chiumello G, Grandori F.
Click-evoked otoacoustic emissions recorded from untreated congenital hypothyroid newborns. Hear Res. 2002 Apr;166(1-2):136-42.
Breed differences in cochlear integrity in adult, commercially raised chickens. Hear Res. 2002 Apr;166(1-2):82-95.
A normative study of distortion-product otoacoustic emissions in 6-year-old schoolchildren. Int J Audiol. 2002 Apr;41(3):162-9.
Use of DPOAEs for assessing hearing loss caused by styrene in the rat. Hear Res. 2002 Mar;165(1-2):156-64.
Temporal nonlinearity revealed by transient evoked otoacoustic emissions recorded to trains of multiple clicks. Hear Res. 2002 Mar;165(1-2):128-41.
Restraint stress and protection from acoustic injury in mice. Hear Res. 2002 Mar;165(1-2):96-102.
Effects of the electromagnetic field of mobile telephones on hearing. Acta Otolaryngol. 2002 Apr;122(3):289-93.
[Location of cochlear defect by AR spectrum analysis of TEOAE] Zhongguo Yi Liao Qi Xie Za Zhi. 1998 Jul;22(4):187-91. Chinese.
Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions in children studying in special schools. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2002 May 31;64(1):51-60.
Variation in inter-animal susceptibility to noise damage is associated with alpha 9 acetylcholine receptor subunit expression level. J Neurosci. 2002 May 15;22(10):4241-7.
Electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve via cochlear implants in patients with auditory neuropathy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol Suppl. 2002 May;189:29-31.