Italian Air Force Medicine Dept., Roma :Papers with the checkbox checked correspond to an impact factor journal
Lucertini M, Moleti A, Sisto R. On the detection of early cochlear damage by otoacoustic emission analysis. J Acoust Soc Am. 2002 Feb;111(2):972-8. Lucertini M, Viaggi F, Pasquazzi F, Cianfrone G. Medico-legal use of otoacoustic emissions in the audiological selection process for employment.Scand Audiol Suppl. 2001;(52):146-7. Lucertini M, et al. Influence of a 6-8 kHz audiometric notch on transient evoked otoacoustic emissions. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 1998;255(10):491-4. Lucertini M, et al. Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions in occupational medicine as an auditory screening test for employment. Br J Audiol. 1996 Apr;30(2):79-88.
Influence of a 6-8 kHz audiometric notch on transient evoked otoacoustic emissions. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 1998;255(10):491-4.
Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions in occupational medicine as an auditory screening test for employment. Br J Audiol. 1996 Apr;30(2):79-88.