Italian Authoring Activities: Ferrara

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Department of Audiology, University of Ferrara:
Papers with the checkbox checked correspond to an impact factor journal 



Jedrzejczak WW, Hatzopoulos S, Martini A, Blinowska KJ.
  Otoacoustic emissions latency difference between full-term and preterm neonates.
Hear Res. 2007 Sep;231(1-2):54-62. Epub 2007 May 26. 
Ciorba A, Hatzopoulos S, Camurri L, Negossi L, Rossi M, Cosso D, Petruccelli J, Martini A.
  Neonatal newborn hearing screening: four years' experience at Ferrara University Hospital (CHEAP project): part 1.
Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2007 Feb;27(1):10-6. 
  Hatzopoulos S, Qirjazi B, Martini A.
  Neonatal hearing screening in Albania: results from an ongoing universal screening program.
Int J Audiol. 2007 Apr;46(4):176-82. 
  P. Giordano, G. Lorito, A. Ciorba, A. Martini, S. Hatzopoulos
  Protection against cisplatin ototoxicity in a Sprague-Dawley rat animal model 
Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2006 Jun;26(3):133-9.     Download PDF File (86 k) 
  Lorito G, Giordano P, Prosser S, Martini A, Hatzopoulos S.
  Noise-induced hearing loss: a study on the pharmacological protection in the Sprague Dawley rat with N-acetyl-cysteine.
Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2006 Jun;26(3):133-9.     Download PDF File (220 k) 
   Hatzopoulos S, Petrucelli J, Morlet T, Martini A.
  TEOAE recording protocols revised: data from adult subjects.
Int J Audiol. 2003 Sep;42(6):339-47.    Download PDF File (220 k) 
   Hatzopoulos S, Petruccelli J, Laurell G, Previati M, Martini A.
  Electrophysiological findings in the Sprague-Dawley rat induced by moderate-dose carboplatin.
Hear Res. 2003 Aug;182(1-2):48-55.     Download PDF File (333 k)

   Zimatore G, Giuliani A, Hatzopoulos S, Martini A, Colosimo A.
  Otoacoustic emissions at different click intensities: invariant and subject dependent features.
J Appl Physiol. 2003 Aug 22     Download PDF File (370 k)

   Hatzopoulos S, Amoroso C, Aimoni C, Lo Monaco A, Govoni M, Martini A.
Hearing loss evaluation of Sjogren's syndrome using distortion product otoacoustic emissions.
Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 2002;(548):20-5.     Download PDF File (319 k)

  Hatzopoulos S, Petruccelli J, Laurell G, Avan P, Finesso M, Martini A.
Ototoxic effects of cisplatin in a Sprague-Dawley rat animal model as revealed by ABR and transiently evoked otoacoustic emission measurements.
Hear Res. 2002 Aug;170(1-2):70.    Download PDF File (490 k)

  Hatzopoulos S, Petruccelli J, Laurell G, Finesso M, Martini A.
Evaluation of anesthesia effects in a rat animal model using otoacoustic emission protocols.
Hear Res. 2002 Aug;170(1-2):12.    Download PDF File (593 k)

  Zimatore G, Hatzopoulos S, Giuliani A, Martini A, Colosimo A.
Comparison of transient otoacoustic emission responses from neonatal and adult ears.
J Appl Physiol. 2002 Jun;92(6):2521-8.

  Hatzopoulos S, Di Stefano MD, Campbell KC, Falgione DF, Ricci D, Rosignoli M, Finesso M, Albertin A, Previati M, Capitani S, Martini A.
Cisplatin ototoxicity in the Sprague Dawley rat evaluated by distortion product otoacoustic emissions.
Audiology. 2001 Sep-Oct;40(5):253-64.

  Hatzopoulos S, Pelosi G, Petruccelli J, Rossi M, Vigi V, Chierici R, Martini A.  
Efficient otoacoustic emission protocols employed in a hospital-based neonatal screening program.
Acta Otolaryngol. 2001 Jan;121(2):269-73.

  Ratynska J, Grzanka A, Mueller-Malesinska M, Skarzynski H, Hatzopoulos S.  
Correlations between risk factors for hearing impairment and TEOAE screening test outcome in neonates at risk for hearing loss.
Scand Audiol Suppl. 2001;(52):15-7.
  Pelosi G, Hatzopoulos S, Chierici R, Vigi V, Martini A.  
[Distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAEs) and newborn hearing screening: a feasibility and performance study].
Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2000 Aug;20(4):237-44. Italian.
  Hatzopoulos S, Tsakanikos M, Grzanka A, Ratynska J, Martini A.  
Comparison of neonatal transient evoked otoacoustic emission responses recorded with linear and QuickScreen protocols.
Audiology. 2000 Mar-Apr;39(2):70-9.
  Hatzopoulos S, Cheng J, Grzanka A, Martini A.  
Time-frequency analyses of TEOAE recordings from normals and SNHL patients.
Audiology. 2000 Jan-Feb;39(1):1-12.
  Hatzopoulos S, Cheng J, Grzanka A, Morlet T, Martini A.  
Optimization of TEOAE recording protocols: a linear protocol derived from parameters of a time-frequency analysis: a pilot study on neonatal subjects.
Scand Audiol. 2000;29(1):21-7.
  Hatzopoulos S, Martini A, Stephens SD.  
TEOAE-based estimation of the auditory threshold in the mid-octave frequencies.
Br J Audiol. 1999 Dec;33(6):415-22.

  Hatzopoulos S, Di Stefano M, Albertin A, Martini A.  
Evaluation of cisplatin ototoxicity in a rat animal model.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1999 Nov 28;884:211-25.
  Hatzopoulos S, Petruccelli J, Pelosi G, Martini A.  
A TEOAE screening protocol based on linear click stimuli: performance and scoring criteria.
Acta Otolaryngol. 1999 Mar;119(2):135-9.
  Pelosi G, Hatzopoulos S, Chierici R, Vigi V, Martini A.  
[Evaluation of a linear TEOAE protocol in hearing screening of neonates: feasibility study].
Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 1998 Aug;18(4):213-7. Italian.

  Hatzopoulos S, Prosser S, Mazzoli M, Rosignoli M, Martini A.  
Clinical applicability of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions: identification and classification of hearing loss.
Audiol Neurootol. 1998 Nov-Dec;3(6):402-18.
  Hatzopoulos S, Mazzoli M, Martini A.  
Identification of hearing loss using TEOAE descriptors: theoretical foundations and preliminary results.
Audiology. 1995 Sep-Oct;34(5):248-59.