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This is a sample of the latest and forthcoming Guest Editorials (articles prior to 2005 can be found in the Guest Editorial page) . The light gray text  and the    symbol indicate already presented material. The data are shown from more recent to older. 


June-October 2016: A review of the speech-evoked Auditory Brainstem Response (sp-ABR) . By Milaine Dominici Sanfins 


February - May 2016:  Objective assessment of Infant Hearing.  By Jay Hall, PhD


December  2015 - January 2016: Telehealth applications and Otoacoustic Emissions. Clinical Applications 2. By Mark Krumm PhD


June- October 2015: Why Wideband Acoustic Immitance. by Judi Lapsey Miller PhD


 March 2015 : A review on the technological trends in UNHS:   by Stavros Hatzopoulos PhD , Lech Sliwa PhD and Piotr Skarzynski MD, PhD


October 2013 : Also 2nd- and 3rd-order intervals of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions confirm theory of local tuned oscillators    by Martin Brown PhD.

April 2013 :  TeleHealth and Otoacoustic Emissions    by Mark Krumm PhD.


December 2010 : Estimating DPOAE generation component levels: How well do they correlate to behavioral thresholds ? : by Sumit Dhar PhD &  Lauren Shaffer PhD.


November 2008:  Presence and Behavior of Otoacoustic Emissions in Children with Auditory Neuropathy/Auditory Dys-Synchrony :    by Paula Moore Au.D.


December 2007 - April 2008:  Ototoxicity and OAEs. PART 3: Animal models and Protector molecules :    by Sathiyaseelan Theneshkumar Ph.D. & Stavros Hatzopoulos Ph.D.


February- October 2007 :  Auditory Neuropathy / Dys-chrony      by Giannis Psaromatis Ph.D


November-December 2006 : Comments on the use of DPOAEs in clinical practice :    by Paul Avan Ph.D.


December 2005- February 2006 : Analysis of transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions by means of a Matching Pursuit Algorithm:     by W. Wiktor Jedrzejczak Ph.D.


September - October 2005 : Otoacoustic emissions research in China: Breaking the language barrier :   by Vicky W. Zhang MS  & Bradley McPherson  Ph.D.


May - August 2005  : Efferent suppression and OAEs :    by Giota Lalaki MD, Ph.D