FACT sheet : Portal stats 2015

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On-line Date:

June 1, 2001
Search Engines:

First page listing in the major engines including: Altavista, Excite,

Google, Lycos, Yahoo (local and international sites)

Average number of hits per month:  63196
Average number of visitors per month:  5415
Average number of visited pages: > 11,6  pages per visitor
Coverage in terms of countries: Visitors from 144 countries (increase from 2014)
Percentage of American Audience: 40.10 %
Percentage of African Audience :   6.40 %
Percentage of European Audience:  25.80 %
Percentage of Asian Audience: 23.60 %
Percentage of Oceania Audience   4.10 %


  • The access numbers remain more or less the same as in 2014, in terms of average demographics, although the number of monthly hits is slightly lower.
  • It is interesting that we had slightly less visitors who spent more time in the Portal, accessing 20% more pages.
  • In comparison to previous years we finally see a rise in the accesses from Africa & Oceania and a drop in the accesses from Europe. We believe that the penetration of INTERNET technologies has caused this effect , implying that knowledge is not centralized .. but it can be diffused almost equally around the globe.  


           Some additional observations on  sub-trends in the above reported numbers:


1. As in the past,  the "Americas" are monopolized mainly by accesses from the US and Canada (71.2%)

2. South America is still monopolized by accesses from Brasil (74.9 %). In comparison to 2014 this figure has grown approximately by 8%.

3. Asia is still monopolized by accesses from India (76.4%) and Iran (13.9%)